Final Public Meeting – Roberts Bird Sanctuary Improvement Project

You are invited to the final Roberts Bird Sanctuary Improvements Project public meeting. The meeting will be held at Lyndale Farmstead Park Recreation Center, 3900 Bryant Ave S., 7-8:30 pm, Wednesday August 10, 2016.  We will present the public input received to date, the preferred concept design which responds to the input, and the proposed projects with funding sources and timeline.  We are very excited to present the designs and feel they capture and support the goals of the MPRB, the Friends of Roberts Bird Sanctuary, Audubon Minnesota, and the Audubon Chapter of Minneapolis.

What’s the project all about? The project will be looking at the how the site can best support avian habitat, while providing education and low-impact access to park goers.  It will result in a preferred concept that will be approved by the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board.  The preferred concept will outline key improvements that will be constructed in 2016.