Get involved with paid opportunities to help plan for East Phillips Parks and Open Spaces

Paid Opportunities to Engage your Community

Apply to become a Community Collaborator and help create a vision for Cedar Avenue Field Park and East Phillips Park

The MPRB’s Community Collaborator initiative is a paid opportunity for individuals and groups within the East Phillips community to host conversations and engage with residents about parks and recreation.

The work of Community Collaborators will inform the design and priorities for the East Phillips Open Spaces Plan in 2024.

Proposals to work as a Community Collaborator will be competitive, with funding paid to those whose proposals are selected. They should involve creative, innovative ways to engage different communities through digital platforms, in person, or both.

Examples of Community Collaborations could include but are not limited to:

Applications are now available!

Questions? Contact Emma Pachuta, Project Manager at 612-499-3711 or at