Construction of the Seven Pools at Thomas Lowry Park is underway

The Seven Pools is a unique feature within the Minneapolis park system.  All seven pools will be completely rebuilt, with new a water re-circulation system.   The Seven Pools was originally constructed in the 1920’s.  Construction is anticipated to be complete near end of Summer 2021.

Equity metrics for Thomas Lowry Park suggests it would be one of the last parks to receive capital funding.  Therefore, construction at this time would not be possible without other funding opportunities.  The Friends of Thomas Lowry Park  (FTLP) entered into a fundraising agreement with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB), donating $125,000 to support repair and restoration of the Seven Pools. In addition to fundraising from the FTLP, the Lowry Hill Neighborhood Organization directed $300,000 of NRP funding to the project.  The MPRB is contributing $750,000 from its 20-Year Neighborhood Park Plan (NPP20), through multiple years of its Construction Contingency Fund, to complete the necessary funding.