Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board signs resolution calling for divestment from fossil fuel corporations

At its May 16, 2018 meeting, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) of Commissioners signed a resolution that calls upon the Minnesota State Board of Investment – the organization that administers MPRB employee pension funds – to divest from fossil fuel corporations.

The MPRB believes that global climate change is a serious threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the people of Minneapolis and regards fossil fuel corporations as unwise investments that expose employee pension funds to unnecessary risk.

In the resolution, the MPRB calls upon the Minnesota State Board of Investment to immediately stop purchasing any new investments in fossil fuel corporations and sell its existing fossil fuel investments within five years. More than 800 governmental, educational, religious, and philanthropic organizations have already divested their financial assets from fossil fuel corporations.

Read More: Resolution 2018-164