Trophies at Logan Park 

Logan Recreation Center is home to a trove of sports memorabilia dating back more than 100 years. In the 1990s, Brian Hall came across hundreds of old trophies boxed up in the attic while he was Recreation Supervisor at Logan Park and put them on display. “We’d have parents pointing out trophies they won to their kids, who were then playing sports at Logan,” said Hall. “People would drop in looking for a trophy they won at Logan 20, 30, 40 years ago.” 
Current Logan Park Recreation Supervisor Ryan Flanders recalls competing in the Pumpkin Bowl, a citywide fall sports tournament, while growing up near Longfellow Park in the 1980s and 90s. “It was the most prestigious thing, just a huge deal when I was kid,” said Flanders, who called it “surreal” when he first started at Logan and discovered the orange jug trophy from the 1983 Pumpkin Bowl on display.