Creating a vision for the Hiawatha Golf Course Property

Thank you to everyone who attended Hiawatha Golf Course Property Master Plan Community Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting #3 on Oct. 10! During the meeting, CAC members were asked to share three descriptive words about their connection or needs for the property as part of a visioning exercise.

Then CAC members picked one word that was not their own and talked about why it resonated with them. A summary containing the words generated by the exercise is below.

Now the visioning exercise is open to everyone! Please take a moment to fill out the form linked below to contribute your vision and aspirations for the Lake Hiawatha area to this project. You can upload an image or photo, submit three descriptive words, a short story or poem, or even take a shot at writing a vision statement yourself. 

Lake Hiawatha Visioning Form

Visioning Exercise Summary

Long-term, Community, Ecology, Accessibility, Usable Space, Multipurpose Infrastructure, Sustainability, Connectivity, 18 Holes, Maintain Spaces, Community and Clubhouse, Responsibility, Trees, Activity-Recreation, In Nature + Education, Maintenance Beyond Mowing, Unique, Adaptability + Sustainability, Wildlife Connectivity, Public Art, Ecologically Responsive, Active/Passive Areas, Interface, Collaboration, Respond to the Real Issues, Play/Fun, Universal Design, Equity, Water Quality, Recreation, Spirit of Access